At first glance, the title of this post might be a little confusing. Perhaps it’s a little scary. To think that I’m openly telling you, as your prospective SEO expert, that I’m working other avenues of online marketing. That working on my clients’ search optimization isn’t my entire focus.
Now let me explain why you should consider that a GOOD thing. Let’s face it, in learning the ropes of effective search engine optimization and pay per click advertising, there become open doors all around to make money. After learning the craft over the last year and more, I have become proficient in getting businesses noticed by the likes of Google, Yahoo and Bing. Wouldn’t you expect me to put these talents to use for myself just the same as you?
Whether it’s affiliate marketing, launching new e-commerce sites, blogging for traffic or whatever, you should expect me to be doing these things for myself if you are to ever trust me to do it for you. I dare say that if I weren’t moonlighting on projects aside from the nuts and bolts of Zirkel Exchange, I run the risk of losing credibility.
I liken it to a realtor who doesn’t own property for themselves or a stock broker that doesn’t manage his own portfolio. By putting my own skin in the game (so to speak) of online marketing and e-commerce I hope to prove that my tactics and knowledge are solid like a rock.
Every client is different and I learn something new from each one of them. The same holds true for my own ventures. By exploring new markets and opportunities I see available when I am online I am able to broaden my depth of knowledge beyond just what I might learn from my existing client base. Besides, I’d much rather try and fail at something new when it is my own test site than to experience that disappointment with a paying customer. By taking my “off hours” to work on my own SEO projects, I am essentially opening up a platform for experimentation at no risk to my clients.
The SEO business is a tough road to plow and continuing education needs to come from hands-on experience. New ideas are constantly being presented and I receive hundreds of emails a week with the “latest and greatest, must try” techniques. By putting these tools to use in real world situations for myself first, I am able to form an even sturdier bank of knowledge on which to stand.
For these reasons I hope it is clear why I am open about the fact that my SEO and PPC clients are not my only source of income. I am passionate about this business and I cherish the relationships I have formed with the businesses I help. But I honestly do not believe I could perform as well as I do for them without having first seen success for myself.
For an example of one of the e-commerce sites I have launched and manage, please visit the Swimwear Clothing Store.